Rămas-bun, Amos Oz!

Amos Oz (4 mai 1939 - 28 decembrie 2018), scriitor, romancier, jurnalist și intelectual israelian, a pierdut bătălia cu cancerul la 79 de ani. 
 A fost profesor de literatură la Universitatea Ben-Gurion din Beersheba. Lui i-a fost atribuit titlul de cel mai faimos scriitor israelian. 
Opera lui Oz a fost publicată în 42 de limbi în 43 de țări și a primit numeroase onoruri și premii, printre care Premiul Goethe, Premiul Heinrich Heine, Premiul Israel și premiul românesc Ovidius  pentru romanul Să cunoști o femeie în 2004.
De asemenea, o parte din operele sale au beneficiat de ecranizări, cea mai recentă, A Tale of Love and Darkness (2015), o are în prim plan pe Natalie Portman. 

“Every single pleasure I can imagine or have experienced is more delightful, more of a pleasure, if you take it in small sips, if you take your time. Reading is not an exception.” 
― Amos Oz

“If you steal from one book you are condemned as a plagiarist, but if you steal from ten books you are considered a scholar, and if you steal from thirty or forty books, a distinguished scholar.” 
― Amos Oz, A Tale of Love and Darkness

“The whole of reality was just a vain attempt to imitate the world of words.” 

“If you have no more tears left to weep, then don’t weep. Laugh.” 

“When I was little, my ambition was to grow up to be a book. Not a writer. People can be killed like ants. Writers are not hard to kill either. But not books: however systematically you try to destroy them, there is always a chance that a copy will survive and continue to enjoy a shelf-life in some corner on an out-of-the-way library somehwere in Reykjavik, Valladolid or Vancouver.” 
―  A Tale of Love and Darkness

“The best way to know the soul of another country is to read its literature.” 

“We could talk about totally different things. Like the seasons of the year, for example, or even the star-filled sky of these summer nights: I'm interested in stars and nebulas. Maybe you are, too?” 
―  Between Friends

Rămas-bun, Amos Oz!

Surse: goodreads.com, google images, wikipedia
